3 Signs That Your Concrete Flooring Needs Resurfacing

Although concrete is one of the most durable and lasting flooring material, it will also require some repairs and maintenance in order to keep your floor looks great.


Concrete floor can be mechanical damaged by heavy machinery and equipment, physical damaged by extreme changes in temperature that can cause repetition of freezing and thawing within the concrete.


Here are some common signs that your concrete floors may need refinishing!



You will find it hard to find a slab without cracks. All concrete floors have small hairline cracks as a result of the drying process and may not be an emergency situation. But if cracks are larger and near joins, in high-traffic areas or appear to letting in moisture, you should pay attention on it. These cracks can quickly worsen and become a trip hazard and a potentially dangerous situation for machinery and equipment in its path. 



Flaking refers to thin layers of concrete that come off of the concrete, leading to a dusty, uneven surface. These issues can often be the result of errors being made when the concrete floor was originally poured. Repetitive vibrations from heavy machinery can often cause these damages, especially in areas where concrete was not initially installed properly.



Large, heavy objects that are dropped on concrete floors can cause dents and bumps. These dents corrode over time, growing in size and becoming a workplace hazard for people and machinery alike. Only the proper equipment to grind and smooth the floors will be effective in creating a safe surface, so these areas need to be addressed as soon as possible.


If you are in these issues with your concrete flooring, contact an expert who are specialized in floor resurfacing.


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